really happy its not sunny

30 Aug 2004
Yesterday I spent all day (from around 9.30am - 7pm) outside in the sun. For the first 2 hours or so i had my top off then i started to feel hot so put the tshirt back on. Then we had a bbq and stayed outside occasionally going in to see the thrashing jamaica got of course!

Last night i smelt like bacon, my neck, face, chest and arms have been fried and are bright red. In bed i was shivering which probably isnt a good sign.

In 1 hour were all off for a mates 21st in york all day and im pleased i have to dive for shade at every moment

(no im not going to post pics as i dont have time and need to get ready soon)

BEWARE -english sun burns hotter than foreign sun!
You were shivering because the top layers of your skin where at one temperature - a hotter temperature - than the rest, therefore the body is tricked into thinking it is cold and you start shivering.

Also, the body will be trying to get rid of the excess heat from the skin - this is why when the sun goes down, the heat from the sunburn goes up.

Go and eat something salty if you feel light headed, dizzy or sick. If it goes on for more than 24 hours, go and see a dr.

And wear sun-cream you fool!!! :mad:
geeza said:
In bed i was shivering which probably isnt a good sign.

Be careful, that was the onset of heatstroke.

Can't you lend anybody elses sunlotion? I don't think the british sun is that aggressive IMO, you should sit out in the mexican sun!

You can end up with this coloured face ---> :mad:
Plus-44 said:
Its typical though really - my day off today had a bbq planned and its blooming raining now.


Im planning on having a bbq today. I havent had one yet this year :( . At the moment its just a bit dull and grey, but even if it rains im going to have my bbq!!
I'm glad its not sunny today, as it means I can concentrate more on studying rather than daydreaming out of the window.
Wear one of these next time.

iCraig said:
Can't you lend anybody elses sunlotion? I don't think the british sun is that aggressive IMO, you should sit out in the mexican sun!

Mexico has a different sun? :p I know what you mean, it might be hotter there but it isn't heat that burns you (or damages your eyes), it's UV rays.
pfft. English sun doesn't even touch my skin. I need industrial strength rays to get a tan.

I sunbathe under a giant magnifying glass if I sunbathe in the uk

your probably pretty dehydrated as well, get some liquid down you, you can sooth it with cammomile oil or whatever the girlies use nowadays.
Also getting badly sunburned like that is a sure way of prematurely ageing your skin and developing wrinkles at a younger age.
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