really strange Windows problem



18 Oct 2002
Hi there,

For the past few days I've been experiencing really strange problems in Windows XP.

Everything's fine after loggin in but then after using a program for a few minutes (such as using Firefox or IE) the following things happen:

1. If I click on one of the menus in an applications toolbar each menu will gain focus in a continuous sequential order. For example if I click on the File menu, the edit menu will then gain focus, then the View menu etc.

2. If I view a page with a column of radio buttons or a drop down menu and I click on it, each radio button or item in the drop down menu will be hightlighted one after another.

3. Starting Window Explorer automatically highlights the A:\ drive. Clicking on any folder causes the first subfolder to be hightlighted even if other subfolders are clicked.

4. When trying to highlight a line of text in Firefox or IE the cursor jumps to the end of the line and the line is unhighlighted.

These problems go away after logging out and then back in. Then after several minutes

All these problems started the day after updating the bios. However there were no problems the night before even after several reboots.

I have Spyware Doctor and Zonelabs Internet Security Suite installed and fully updated and no viruses/spyware found. Latest drivers for everything.

Would the BIOS cause these weird problems?

Sorry for the long post!

Thanks for any help.
It might, but i doubt it.

Try rolling the BIOS version back? I think you might have a stuck key on your keyboard. I have seem similar before with a stuck key

So try to reseat your keyboard and clean the crisps, etc out :D
Sounds like the Tab key is stuck/buggered. Assuming it isnt a brand new keyboard, get yourself a screwdriver and take your keyboard apart. All the keys should stay in the top half of the board so dont worry about keys flying everywhere lol.

Now take the top bit with the keys and get it scrubbed in some washing up liquid and make sure you get into all crevices and dig out all the fossilised skin and bogies.

Dry board thoroughly and reassemble. If its all fixed then great. If it didnt work, at least you have a clean keyboard :D

Thanks for the replies. It didn't occur to me it could be the tab key. I assumed it was either the BIOS or Windows was corrupted somehow.

A dodgy tab key on the keyboard does explain some of the symptoms but why would the problem go away for a short while if I log out and then log back in?

Anyway, I'll try giving the keyboard a clean when I get home. If that doesn't help I'll reflash to my previous BIOS and as a last resort a Windows reinstall.

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Hi there,

I've tried removing the tab key and the arrow keys on the keyboard and giving it a clean. The keyboard (Microsoft Ergonomic Keyboard 4000) is only a few months old and it's not very dirty.

That didn't help so I've reflashed back to the previous BIOS but no joy. The problem seems to be the right arrow key is continously being pressed.

The problem goes away for a few minutes after logging out and logging back in but then it comes back.

Any further solutions before I reinstall Windows?


Just an update.

I didn't notice at first but the problems seem to start after pressing the 'page back' button on my mouse (Logitech MX1000). I've stopped using that button now and uninstalled the software for it and the problems have stopped.
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