Really weird problem

7 Aug 2008
Hey guys.

I have a really weird problem and don't have a clue where it is coming from. Basically what I have is a text file that is opened in Visual Basic. Visual basic then performs some formatting and outputs it to Excel. The Excel workbook is then saved. I then go into Access and open the Excel file as a Linked Table - which is a requirement. However, from what I gather this creates some wierd problem in my Time column. I don't have a clue where the 30/12/1899 comes into it. It is absolutely nowhere in my code/excel spreadsheet. The end result is then displaying this data in a DataGrid in Visual Basic and so on so forth.

Because you are only giving the field a time value Access is adding it's default date to it.

If you only want to display the time, change the format parameter of the date/time field to:


Ahh yeah I see what you mean.

So would need to change this in Excel as it is a linked table so Access won't let me change it right?
Yes, but even if you change the column in Excel to Time or hh:mm:ss (hh:nn:ss I don't think will be recognised) it will still try to show the default date bit in access. If you change the column format in Excel to Text it will import correctly but it will only be a text column in Access.

You can of course just leave it as it is and when you select the data just pull out the bit you need.
SELECT Format(Sheet1.[Time],'hh:nn:ss') AS time, Sheet1.Date
FROM Sheet1;

Yeah you are right, just changed it in Excel and still same problem.

Ok, well is there anyway that when I'm writing out to the spreadsheet I can set the Data type as Text/General instead of Date/Time or by default?
In Excel the time column appears as Custom so if I can get it to write to Excel as a General rather than a Custom the problem will be solved?
oWB = oApp.Workbooks.Add

oWB.Sheets("Sheet1").Columns("A").NumberFormat = "@"

Using that bit of code still doesn't work.

oWB.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(lRow, 1).Value = sLineArray(0)
oWB.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(lRow, 2).Value = sLineArray(4)

Outputs to the spreadsheet fine however the format code isn't working.
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