reasonable prices when selling second hand, opinions?

18 Sep 2008
I'm selling a monitor on a well known auction site, its a decent monitor, worth 950 brand new. 6 months old

I listed it for 700 auction

Today I've had someone offer 350, 400 and someone messaged now saying " would you accept £500 shipped ? "

I do realise its second hand, but half bloody price is a bit much, or is it? am I being too ambitious?
i would expect to pay 2 thirds of new cost
so around 650 ish
bit painful perhaps but its 2nd hand even if only
6 months old
350,400,and 500 shipped is taking the **** though lol

thats what I thought

I messaged him saying " no, would you? do you know where I can get second hand google pixels 3 for half price? "

Depends on a lot of things, brands, if there is a new model out, or out soon, how desperate you are to sell and they are to buy.

If you are open to offers on eBay then people will low ball you, "what's the harm in asking? he can only say no." So don't take offence if people low ball you, it's part of the game.

When it sells, you will realise it's market value. Getting 60% of new price, at 6 months out isn't unheard of. I mean Final Fantasy 7 remake, 1 week after it came out people selling used for £38.

I expect tech like that you get 2/3rd at best, the minute you bought it you lose 20%, so £700 would be on the high side.

fair enough, i appreciate the comment

its not in stock in many places, so kind of rare but a decent model ( I don't want to name the make incase it looks like im trying to drum up interest for it ) but its a very very good monitor for its price

but yeah, perhaps 700 is too high, as its not sold in 3 listings, but.. money is tough for a lot of people right now to spend on a monitor
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