
22 Feb 2010
Hey there

As we all know im useless at building computers and then keeping them for more then a week without haveing a fiddle.

Also that i cant make a real project log as i work quickly.

This build contains these parts:

Intel I7 950
Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD5
6GB g.skill 2000mhz.
2x 1TB F3's
1x troqx 128GB SSD
and some DVD drives.

PA120.3 + Shroud
XSPC 120.1 Thick
EK mutli 150mm
DDC 18W with an old clear top.
EK nickel 5970
black 5970 back plate
EK HF Supreme for the CPU
Blue UV tubeing
mixture of COmpressions and normal barbs

All in a Black external and internal TJ07

Will let the pictures talk.


These are the two new parts i wish to add to my rig, To do this it has to be stripped down :)


I need a place for this new rad, So This seems like a good place?


Will sit there


Plonked it in :D its strapped in at the top as it was impossible to use screws!


A kinda bare view


Put the shroud on the rad


Stopped to make a snow mound !


Plumbed it all in with new pump top.


Decided i like the look of my SSD. So its on show!


To many wires!!!! So cut some off :D

No then this is where i had a major issue!
The new pump top had a large leak, a VERY large one, the outlet had cracked and joined with the screw thread = water all over the place and inside the pump...
The pump ended up fried and the Top useless.

SOoo Its a good thing i have 4 pumps! So in goes a spare 18W ddc with an old top i had laying about


Resused my EK mutli res

Now for the end shots (useing my HTC Desire HD)



had to buy a new chair for xmass aswell.

One last problem.

I have no idea where to mount my 2x 1TB drives... They wot fit down below or in the middle, or in the drive bays as they will look a mess.
I think i will need to make some sort of place for them at the top so i cant actually see them.

Please let me know what you think and if i can change anything.

Things to do:
Braid the second PCI-E wire.
Wire up DVD drives with new Sata wire im makeing.(short)
Make a HDD place.
Nice looking build.

Particularly like where you have mounted the SSD. :)

BTW, if you don't mind me asking, where did you get that chair from? Looks comfy. :)
Thanks for the link.

I also have a bad back and spend too much time in front of the PC.

And I agree that the difference between a good, solid chair and a bad one is pretty big.

Hmm, may have to click buy on this one. :)
You could watercool the drives (using something like this) and put them in the 5.25" bays - they look quite good like that.

Sorry that doesnt apply here... I use compression fittings that wont come loose and zip ties...

Go away :P

You have made my day :D

Aww can't take a nice dose of the truth?

The choice of colour scheme is rather qeustionable as it looks rather like an epileptic child chose the components. You are aware Xigmatek make blue versions of those fans right?

Ah well enjoy your "safe" build.
Aww can't take a nice dose of the truth?

The choice of colour scheme is rather qeustionable as it looks rather like an epileptic child chose the components. You are aware Xigmatek make blue versions of those fans right?

Ah well enjoy your "safe" build.

WHy are you attacking my choice of hardware parts?

I am aware that they do, but as you can see they are only used on the 360 rad...

If you look its all blue / black, thats boring... i wanted some orange!

If your just out to take the mick out of peoples rigs then get lost, I was haveing a laugh about the tubes as you can see from my last post on the other builds log.

Grow up.

I couldnt care if you are a Don... Your acting like a "stupid head" < so you will understand.
WHy are you attacking my choice of hardware parts?

I am aware that they do, but as you can see they are only used on the 360 rad...

If you look its all blue / black, thats boring... i wanted some orange!

If your just out to take the mick out of peoples rigs then get lost, I was haveing a laugh about the tubes as you can see from my last post on the other builds log.

Grow up.

I couldnt care if you are a Don... Your acting like a "stupid head" < so you will understand.

I am having a laugh. God.
Good, I hope you are... Shows that your exactly what i said you were.

If you remove your stupid post i will get the ones i spoke ti you removed aswell.

there was no need to start a text war on my build log.
Dayum boi!! What dye did you use? It's looking nice mate :)

Its Thermochill EC6 UV Blue :)
With Blue XSPC Hose

Well I am attacking the decision to cut some of your PSU cables!!! you ok in the head?

Yea im ok in the head, Its no longer in warrenty due to this but i have saved the wires so if need be i will re attach them and can use them again.

Is that a bad thing to do :confused:
Its the TX950 not HX :P

I dont wnt to sell it, if i upgrade for any reason my brother has dibs.

Might seem silly to others but the extra wires i have removed have saved me so much space down below :)
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