Rebuilding laptop from network cable

27 Dec 2006

I've been given a pritty lightfoot laptop and it doesn't have any external drvies with it. I want to rebuild the laptop, but how do i do it through the network cable?
My skills are vauge, but look up booting from PXE. Windows can install over a PXE connection.

Failing that, just do what I did - store the contents of Windows CD on a server and let the laptop install Windows from its current OS! :P
Best option would be to get a USB CD drive, other than that you'll need to, as said above, boot it from a PXE server which isn't obviously that easy to do unless you have the right stuff.

- Pea0n
Last time I had to do this I used a Bart's netowrk boot disk to install from a shared i386 directory copied from the XP CD.
another alternative

remove laptop hd, get a laptop ide-usb interface, copy OS setup files from disc to hd and return to laptop. boot from a system floppy access hd and run setup

I had to do this on an old compaq where the os had been corrupted and it wouldn't boot from an external usb device
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