'Recent Applications' Stack on Mac OS X Leopard.

6 Apr 2007

Found this, i found it useful thought i wold post it on here to see if anyone else does, this piece of code places a stack on your dock called 'Recent Applications'

1) Open Terminal
2) Enter the following code: defaults write com.apple.dock persistent-others -array-add '{ "tile-data" = { "list-type" = 1; }; "tile-type" = "recents-tile"; }'
3) enter: killall Dock
4) You should now have 'Recent Apps' in your dock

Hope someone finds it useful :)
Regarding changing it to a list as supposed to a grid, i have been trying for a good forty minutes now cannot seem to get it to work, my only guess is that because the recent apps stack is not a folder it does not have the same behaviours with it being a system call. I will keep trying but im not sure i can be done....

Regarding what 'LordSplodge' said about it not showing up, just check your syntax for spaces and code errors, i am on the same os version as you so i cannot see why it wold not work. :)
Also if anyone has any problems with the dock after running this command, & a reboot doesn't fix it, remove the com.apple.dock.plist file from Users/YourName/Library/Preferences, restart. You'll loose any custom Dock settings or icons but it'll at least get your Dock back.

Hope this helps someone.
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