Recomend a broardband provider.

11 Jul 2006
small island in cornwall
Hey all. I recently moved house and am currently using payg dialup to browse the interweb! id forgotten how slow it is! Realy need to get broardband up and running in my new pad. Can anyone recomend a good provider, nothing to expensive, oh im in the southwest if that helps at all.
Thanks in advance.
Sorry reply took so long ive been rather busy. there are no llu services avaliable at my exchange, when i looked on samknows only adsl had a green tick. Hope this helps.
As for budget around £10-£15 a month would be nice. I download a bit but not excessivly, probably no more than 10gb a month.
Thanks for the reply 2blue. But i already have a bt pnone line which is paid for by another family member i just need a broardband provider for it. I used demon before i moved but they were not the most reliable and the bt packages seem expensive. by the way i already own a good linksys adsl modem so it does not have to be part of the package.
Somthing like that, my mum died a few months back so i have moved in with my dad for a bit to be sure he's ok. He thinks anything more technical that a telly and a vhs is the devils work!

Will take another look at the link, cheers.
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