Recomendations for a dumb 50"?

18 Oct 2002
Nr Colchester, Essex
Hi Guys,

I am looking to get a larger TV for our lounge as we just moved and the new room is quite a lot larger than the old one so the 32" doesn't cut it anymore. I have absolutely zero use for any smart functionality as I have a surround sound setup, HTPC, BT TV box and a Projector for movie goodness.

What I am after is a cheap basic TV with a decent picture for general viewing. I think 50" will be a good size to aim for. I have seen some Panasonic screens (TX-50A400B) however reviews say the colours are poor without adequate adjustment, however given the purchase price is £369 it may decent for the price point. I will happily consider refurbished if that gets me a better screen. I am not after top end, just a respectable picture and no Smart features are required.

Any suggestions?

Thanks :)

Hope you aint wasted 400 quid on a LED tv!!!

Panasonics was best at plasmas, I got this LG plasma because my old 42" Panasonic broke, this LG is the BEST tv I have ever had, and picture quality is fantastic.
it beats my old Panasonic by miles now. at first I was a bit like meh, but you actually do have to let a plasma tv run in just like a new car engine, after 50 hours of use, this tv is the best picture quality iv ever ever seen on a tv panel full stop.

And if you don't know about image quality geeky wise for a tv, 4k is the only thing that can rival 1080 plasma image quality, and theres not much 4k content about, and tv channels will take years to go 4k.

get your self one of them tvs I just linked. you wont regret it.

I have considered this, but a couple of things put me off, one being the fact the panel is gloss and I am concerned about reflections as the room is south facing and a lot of sun light will fall on the screen, which I understand A) washes the colours out and B) You get reflection issues. My other concern is it will be used a lot for TV in the background, so could be stuck on Cbeebies for a couple of hours and I know they have a logo in the corner. These were also considered very basic plasmas with poor blacks (For a plasma). I believe plasmas also aren't edge to edge. Also much higher power consumption which isn't a biggy but this is a general purpose on most of the time TV so it may add up.

Don't get me wrong I know the benefits of the Plasma, they just also have some downsides and it's weighing those up.

Thank you for the input :)
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