Recommend a backpack?

20 Oct 2002
I'm taking a trip to Asia, NZ and Aus in September and am looking for a decent backpack to use for everyday wandering around etc.

I've only got a D50 with kit lens but am really after something that i can fit all the other everyday junk in as well (drinks, coat, etc..). The crumpler bags look quite nice but i dont know how i'd get on with a shoulder bag for long periods. Also doesnt look like you can fit a lot else in them? I've seen a few backpacks that look good -- with the compartment for some camera gear at the bottom and the rest of the bag free for all your other junk.

I also think i'm either gonna have my camera out, or not. I'm not quick enough (yet) to get even try to get to my cam quickly for a quick shot opportunity so i'm not really worried about accessability at the moment.

Any recommendations? :)
Thanks for the advice guys. cyKey you have mail.

Remember i'm only looking for smallish camera compartment as all i have is my D50 and kit lens. I guess i better buy a spare battery and memory card before i go (or should i wait until i get to Hong Kong; our first stop? :confused: )
Ooh that looks nice. I know my local cam shop had Lowepro stuff so i'll see if i can have a look at one of those :)
*huge bump* :eek:

Flibster said:
Got a LowePro Orion Trekker II

I still havent decided on what bag to get but the Orion Trekker II does seem perfect. My only worry is that i read on one site (i've forgotton where :rolleyes: ) that it's not waterproof. I'm 99% sure it'll be raining a fair amount in the NZ winter so this would be problematic! Can anyone clear up wether or not it is waterproof? :)

It's annoying because my local shop only seemed to have bags that were the massive ones with the whole size devoted to camera equipment. So i'm looking online really :(
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