Recommend a Cocktail/Concoction

18 Oct 2002
North Wales
I'm in a drinking mood, and I thought it might be a good idea to share some recipies for drinks.

Here's a few of my favourites:

  • Jaffa Cake - 5cl Tia Maria, 25cl Fresh Orange (Smooth), Ice
  • Calypso - 5cl Cointreau, 2.5cl Vodka, 25cl Fresh Orange, Ice
  • B.B.C. - 1part Cointreau, 1part Benadictine, 1part Brandy, Ice

Feel free to share as many as you like, especially lesser known ones :cool:
Dr Pepper Slammer (or other various names)

  1. Fill half pint glass with lager
  2. Add splash of Coca-cola
  3. Fill shot glass with Amaretto
  4. Drop shot glass inside half pint glass
  5. Slam half pint glass on table and neck it

Fill a large glass with some decent absinthe.

Knock it back.

Wait for it....

Now, reelaaaaax...
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