Recommend a decent digital camera?

23 Nov 2004
The Place To Be
The days of using the old point and shoot cameras are over as I'm quite simply fed up with them. Can you buy digital cameras that have decent lenses (as featured on old cameras where you can obtain great depth of field) and shoot instantly?

Looking at £200-£350
Firstly, thank you very much for all the information. I should have been more specific. Am I right in saying that SLR is where the camera takes the photo instantly?

I'm not really looking for a camera with changeable lenses, but I am after one that allows a great depth of field. (not sure if it's technically 'deep' or 'shallow' but you all know what I mean) Long zoom isn't really necessary, and whilst I'm not after a 'compact' one I don't want an enormous one either.

And of course I still want to be able to take good photos of family and friends on holiday :)

Many thanks, I'll have a read of the links.
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