Recommend a game 360

18 Oct 2002
Ok i have pg3 and cod2 and im going to pick up Amped tomorrow, can someone tell me what condemded is like? what kind of game is it etc as im drawn between that and quake IV.

I might even go for ridge racer but i dont know if its tatt or not( i know its out in 7 days) Would i like Need for speed? I dont use Live so im only interested in single player, whats it to be from those 3?
i got condemned and its pretty good, the graphivs are cool - atmosphere isamazing - myonly thing is how slow you walk - u can sprint but u have a like sprint bar so can only do it for so long - im only a little way in, but good story
How about DOA4 sinlge player is as good as the online part of the game.

It will take you a while unlocking all the single player Achievements trust me.
The stars of the current line up that you havent got are Condemned and Kameo in my opinion. Either of those would be a good bet. You'd be better getting Quake IV on pc, where it can be picked up pretty cheaply. I have Kameo, Condemned, NFS:Most Wanted, PGR3 and PD0. All are pretty decent, but if im being critical NFS is probably the weakest of the games i have.
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Finished Condemned last night ;first person slow paced horror/thriller with some guns but mainly smash-em-in-da-face pick-em-up-as-you go-along weapons (like planks, shovels, iron bars etc). Closest movie experience would be se7en.

Thoroughly enjoyed it but found it a little intense to play in long sessions.

I've downloaded and played the Quake IV demo. Now, I was a huge Doom 1 and 2 fan, bought and then played Quake 1, 2 and 3 to death but was a little disappointed with Doom 3. Now I enjoyed Raven's Id games; Heretic and Hexen but was disappointed with the Star Trek games they did with the Q3 engine but played them anyway.

Anyway, sorry for all that; just setting the scene. Now I've only played the demo but I was pretty disappointed with this. Found it sluggish and dare I say, a tad 'seen-it-all-before' tedious. Now I didn't finish the demo and I'm happy to listen to people that have played it all the way through.

So, imo, between the two get Condemned unless you get scared easy, actually get it even if you do get scared ;) Just make sure you play it slowly, with the lights down and the volume high.

And while you're out, pick up Kameo, go on, you know you want to ;)
NokkonWud said:
Why, can I ask, are you not interested in the online element?

The only reason really is the fact its pretty difficult to get the 360online, id have to run a huge cable to it from my router + i have never been a big fan of online play, i never play online games on the pc
schnipps said:
The only reason really is the fact its pretty difficult to get the 360online, id have to run a huge cable to it from my router + i have never been a big fan of online play, i never play online games on the pc

You're missing out on so much by not going online with the 360!
How huge?

I had to make a 10m run to connect mine up - drilling holes in things is fun :D

Failing that what about the wireless adapter? Your really missing out with XBL - sheer comedy when you hook up with OcUK peeps (at least on PGR3! :D)
Chaapa'ai said:
I can't wait until I get the xbox 360.... I got a 65 inch hdtv already waiting eagerly for it. ha

65inch omg :eek:

Can you post a pic of it plz would love to see it.

You may need to stand about a mile away from it to get the hole thing in the pic tho :p
schnipps said:
The only reason really is the fact its pretty difficult to get the 360online, id have to run a huge cable to it from my router + i have never been a big fan of online play, i never play online games on the pc

I went online in 98, I could NEVER not play online gaming now. It's far too important. Get a wireless setup and experience gaming nirvana.
Love playing Condemned, one of the best 'horror' games that I've played.. not sure if it will last you long though as there isn't too much replay value apart from collecting all the secrets and objects
Condemned brilliant game nuff said...i played it and finished it and have to say it was thoroughly enjoyable, very scary in some parts and i dont get scared that easily but a few moments have me jumping through my skin. Sadly it isnt that long a game, finished it in 3 days after getting it.

But would recommend getting it for sure though.
welcome to the forums littlepilot noticed you only have 1 post :)

prepare to lose a lot of free time

Back OT i love car games so i have Need 4 speed and PGR3, need to get hold of ridge racer as soon as the 360 is replaced by m$
da_mic_1530 said:
welcome to the forums littlepilot noticed you only have 1 post :)

prepare to lose a lot of free time

Back OT i love car games so i have Need 4 speed and PGR3, need to get hold of ridge racer as soon as the 360 is replaced by m$

Got Ridge Racer preordered :D Hoping to have some online action to go along with PGR3
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