Looking to buy a 15" or 17" gaming laptop for my son. Budget is £1k. Looking at what is on the market right now I'm seeing RTX 2060 spec'd units going for around this budget but also a couple of RTX3060 ones? Not up to speed with the tech but I assume the 3060 is better?
I have an HP Omen 17" that I bought in December last year which is i7-10750H and full fat RTX 2060 based and it runs the latest games without breaking sweat. Any advice or suggestions for another laptop of similar performance would be very much appreciated!
I have an HP Omen 17" that I bought in December last year which is i7-10750H and full fat RTX 2060 based and it runs the latest games without breaking sweat. Any advice or suggestions for another laptop of similar performance would be very much appreciated!