Recommend a Horror Film

Realistically theres not any modern scary films they are just cheesy :p, but maybe check out:

The Descent
An American Haunting
Wolf Creek
The Audition (Japanese)

Older ones (half decent):

The Amityville Horror (1979)
Audrey Rose (1977)
The Omen (1976)
Hills Have Eyes (1977)
The Fog (1980)
The Wicker Man (1973)

& possibly some of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre's

Theres also the ring films, watch the Japanese originals if you dont mind the subs.

Thats all i can think of
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'The Blair Witch Project' is pretty good for a night alone in front of the TV with the lights switched off. Failing that, the original Ring's not half bad too.
Azagoth said:
'The Blair Witch Project' is pretty good for a night alone in front of the TV with the lights switched off. Failing that, the original Ring's not half bad too.

Couldn't agree more, I went to see it at the pictures and I couldn't understand what all the fuss was about, I watched it about a year later, in the dark, on my own (half cut :D ) and it was a lot creepier :cool:
Duno bout you guys but the bit in Signs when that alien walks past the driveway for a second really made me jump. It was mega creepy :o
wordy said:
Event Horizon

Probably won't scare you, but it's a great film none the less
Always Gets my Vote too.... Maybe Sc-Fi ActioN Horror, definatly freaks me out anyways, off to watch it ... again...
james.miller said:
the shinning. the only one that i'd rate.

The scene where the boy is eating the sandwich made me laugh so much. The continuity sucked! He takes one bite, then it switches to someone who says 1 sentence, then back to the boy, but 3/4 of his sandwich is gone. :D
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