Recommend Fantasy Films to me

18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
I have always had a bit of a soft spot for this sort of movie, but just recently I have had a bit of a revival after finding the Mystica Series of films and I loved them. I bought all 5, and I have watched them all 3 times now.

I have a few similar movies, but I am hoping that anyone can give me any mroe to look out for?

The sort of films Im looking for are the kind of Dungeons & Dragons, Merlin, Orcs, Elves, dwarves and all that sort of stuff.

I dont care what they are, even if they are totally cheesy, I will give it a fair go!
18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
Grimley;30477006 said:
Time Bandits (in fact most Terry Gilliam films)

I still got this on the CED Player ( Cheap fake lazer disc kind of player but with a needle )

On a side-note I have met David Rappaport and Kenny Baker, many moons ago.

This must be one of the best movies ever to have been made.
18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
Nitefly;30477344 said:
Few people have heard of it but there is a children's animation called Flight of the Dragons that I always loved as a kid. IMDB seems to hold it in good favour.

Very good actually - 7.8!!

Not heard of it, but certainly added to my list of wants... I dont care how cheesy... it gets watched regardless.
18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
The Dark Crystal I first saw when it first came out... Im sure its coming on to 35 years or so old?

I got it on VideoCD and I watched it about 6 monthsago and the kids hated it...

i think they more hated me for runnign arounf the house shouting "GELFLING ARE YOU?" at them ad nauseum LOL

I think I will dig it out again.

Pans Labarynth? Am I mistaken, but wasnt that non english and had subtitles?

Neverending story is one film that I never did watch. Never had the want to either... Its just one of those movies that I seemed to avoid, and not for any reason either? - teh doggie dragon thingy isnt it? Is there more than the one film or am I confusing myself? Ok, I will have a lookie and see whather or not I go for it.

Oh, and I will also offer another one thats a great title - Golden compass.

I think DeNiro showed us a side to him that made us love him more as a great actor.

Krull - This is one of the very first movies I ever bought on VHS. I watched it something like 10 years ago again and I remembered how cheesy it was but I loved it all the same.

I know I still have it so I have had a butchers, and I found the DVD case but the disc is missing.
18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
Im in the same boat I like my fantasy movies but they dont make that many and even less good ones.

It's kind of sad that between us we can only think of a handful of OK fantasy movies.

Yes and all the bits I took out too.

But its a Genre that is very much underrated and to be fair, it is a very difficult one to produce a really good movie for, thatwill be a financially viable project for the makers to undertake, and to be a success!

I mean, LOTR / HOBBIT have a massive following in the book fans, and it still got slated and yet made a couple of quid too!
WarCraft was I found utterly brilliant, and I loved it, and that had a huge potential of fans and yes, it somehow got slated.

Im still finding more and more films that are being added to my collection so there is definitely a hell of a lot more than we would have thought out there, but so many of them are not exactly the most gripping or the best acted and with some, the effects, while funny, are often so bad, that its hard to get into the film, even when you know its a tat movie, and I love tat movies... The ones like TOMB INVADER or ATLANTIC RIM ( Oh jeez! ) or how many heads does this shark have now?
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