Recommend FPS campaign I might have missed

2 Oct 2006
Like lots of people it seems, I buy loads of games but barely ever play 90% them. Games I've actually completed from past 10 years are as follows:

Crysis, Crisis Warhead, Crysis 2&3
FC3, Blood Dragon, FC4
Titanfall 2
BioShock infinite
Wolvenstein New Order & Old Blood
Bulletstorm (& again with Full Clip)
The Darkness 2
Doom 4

I've finally realised what I actually enjoy are relatively short FPS, action packed campaigns with nice graphics. What I hate are FPS games like the new Prey where I'll play for an hour get bored and feel like I haven't accomplished much/wasting my life. Have started playing Dishonored 2 yesterday which seems good and I'll run through that non stealth. Despite the FarCry games I'm not a fan of RPG elements (crafting, skills or repeatable missions) and completely skipped this.

I upgraded my GPU a couple of months back and want to make the most of it.

Based on my game list and descriptions are there any recentish FPS campaigns I might enjoy?
Hard Reset Redux is good fun.
Shadow Warrior might be worth a look. There's a demo on Steam, so you can see if it's your kind of game before purchasing.
Got Shadow Warrior for free on steam recently but not checked it out yet. Own Hard Reset but never played much more than hour. Was probably more into multiplayer games at the time. I will at the redux to my wishlist now and pick it up cheap when it is on sale
You played Dying Light? It's not really a shooter though it's outstanding, Has some "Skill levels", (Just throwing it out there)
I do own Dying light but only 108 minutes gametime, think like Far Cry Primal it was too melee and not really my thing
The Metro games should be right up youre Street.
I can currently get both the Redux on steam for £5.60? I'll pick them up then :)
Wolfenstein : The New Colossus.
Destiny 2?... Although it might be a bit 'meh'.
Do plan on picking up the Wolfenstein later this month but will skip Destiny, not into grind games
*Obligatory Half-Life 2 suggestion*
haha can't tell if joking or not but yes I've completed all the HL1, 2 and episode 1 2. Tbf to you I did say the last 10 years so should have included hl2 episode 2 :p
Shadow Warrior 1 & 2
Spec Ops: The Line
Alien Rage

Prey isn't a first person shooter anyway though.

Thanks for the list and I will have a google at the games now :)

What do you mean Prey isn't a first person shooter? It is in first person and you shoot aliens with guns and other projectiles? "Prey is a first-person shooter video game "

EDIT: FYI I thought Prey 2006 was brilliant and I did complete that one but 2017 I found so boring (5 hours in and I'm done)
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Graphics ain't everything.

Far Cry
Project: IGI
Deus Ex
Call of Duty

I'm not looking for a nostalgia trip of games I completed in my youth :p I'm looking for FPS campaigns I might have missed to play on my new GPU. If I just wanted to play old games I wouldn't have bothered upgrading my PC and continued with the laptop.

DOOM(2016). Bit of back tracking, but game's really well made/optimised. Great music too!
Older game, but Painkiller series.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series.
Sorry by Doom 4 I meant Doom 2016 and I did very much enjoy it! :)
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