Recommend iOS games

20 Feb 2011
I’be been playing about with a Bluetooth connected controller on my iPad. Streets of Rage 2 plays great but I’m struggling to find any games that support a controller. Any recommendations? I’m looking for a platformer, a shmup and a driving game preferably ones that don’t have gimped difficulty levels (Streets of Rage 2 is far too easy)

Wait, SoR is on the App Store? I'll be downloading that, many a good time was had playing that on the MegaDrive.

I own all of the older Final Fantasies from the SNES days on iOS and play them on my iPad. Also Civ6 is worth a shout, as is Terraria but other than that it would be good to have some more recommendations.
Quite a few old Sega games in the App Store.

Personally, I'm after games suitable for use with a controller rather than strategy or RPGs but good shout!
I’m cheating a bit... I’m running the iPadOS beta which lets me use my XBone controller. Completely painless to set up and the aforementioned Streets of Rage 2 supports it.
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