Recommend me a Antivirus and Firewall.

12 Jun 2004
Hi all,

I have been using AVG free edition for a while, but for some reason it messed up, and I don't really trust it anymore. I know NOD32 was a very highly recommended AV a while ago - has opinions changed? I remember trying it about 6 months ago and I was very impressed, light on resources, caught everything I threw at it. Do you like NOD32?

I also need a software firewall, I would like a free one because I already have router firewall which is doing a good job. I did use Sygate a while ago, which was good - do you like and recommend Sygate, or should I get a different one?

Thanks in advance.
I am using Kaspersky Anti Virus Personal Pro and Windows SP2 Firewall. I am very happy with the AV; its the best I have ever used, much better than Norton's who I used previously. Highly recommended :)
Wow, 6 months ago a thread like this was smothered with NOD32. I actualy decided to go with NOD32 again, I was extremely pleased with it when I tried just the trial version 6 months ago. It's so quick and uses hardly any resources.
It found 4 trojans last night.... AVG has dissapointed me, it just kept crashing when I started my PC and it missed 4 trojans!

Think I will go for Zonealarm for a firewall then.

Thanks for the suggestions.
Avast no sweat more features than any i have come across most updated and least for giving false reports and simple to use also sygate is a nice firewall very good protection.
Aghh @ anyone reccommending Norton as the best home AV... it's not even in the top 3 as far as overall quality and effectiveness goes.

NOD32 is the best AV out there, detection rate is just behind Kaspersky (which is very buggy btw), and yet overall performance is FAR in excess of anything else on the market, it is simply superlative in its skimpy resource use, scanning speed, and outstanding detection rate.

Norton is the complete and utter opposite. :(

As far as firewall goes, ZA is probably the best free one, yet Outpost Pro is the undisputed king of all software firewall solutions, it is a comprehensive and near bullet-proof solution.
AnastieByte said:
If you mean how was Avast better than AVG? Despite AVG fully up to date. When I installed Avast it found 4 virus that AVG missed.

And if you try NOD32 or Kaspersky, they will find a number of virii which Avast missed making it look very average. But saying all that, I will agree, Avast is better than AVG.
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