Recommend me a camera (please)

5 Oct 2004
The South, United Kingdom
I have always been into photography and enjoyed doing it in my A-Level and at college. But having no developing lab at home like they had college, I wanted to get myself a Digital SLR. Prices have dropped since when we had some at college (they all ranged around £12,000). I was considering of spending around £550-£600.

I know there are loads more but at higher prices, some £4000 ones with 16 mega pixels. But thats going too far, £600 is right for me. What I am after is a camera that has lots of features, definately in altering shutter speed...depth of field and ISO. Something in the 1600+ range would be great as night shots would be great for the holidays were going on next year.

Really I want a camera which is a good sturdy make, and comes with some extras like lenses and perhaps a memory card. I found one a Olympus E500 which had deals which gave me two lenses, a case and a free 1gb memory card. I tend to search Jessops for makes then google for the best prices. But you all seem very knowledgeable about all these cameras and it's been a while since i took photos with my old film SLR's and TLR's. To be honest, though film is great and nothing like your photo appearing in those developing chemicals. But i took ten rolls of film to America and half turned out just plane awful. Least i can preview now ;)

Many thanks,

Do these camera's come with extra's? When I say £550-£600 I do also mean a memory stick and perhaps an additional lense. Unless you can get Minolta lenses to fit Canon's. I am aware there are some devices which allow this, kinda like a canon fitting on one side and Minolta on the other. But has been some time since I dealt in this :D
So you would vote against the Olympus E500? Just for the same price of a Canon, you get the E500 with two lenses, a case and 1gb card. But you seem to know which is best.
Will swing by a competitor or any other camera shop you could recommend. Anything really in the Dorset area. With a competitor I tend to see and test and buy cheaper elsewhere ;)

No Competitors
cyKey said:
Please try and remember the competitor rules guys.

Where is the head in hand emote?

Anyways, thanks for the information. I will most likely check some magazines and then price search the camera I want. But also get a look at the camera from a shop.
Double post, im sorry. But a simple question, I assume these cameras come with their own battery chargers? I know most do, just nice to know as i can purchase one separate. Found some very cheap 400D's from a website.
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