Recommend me a cheap/ economical portable studio please.

16 Sep 2005
What used to be a UK title but because I am very much a beginner I'm at a loss as to where to start and what I would need. For studio work I would be interested in portraiture/kids & maybe dogs. I went in to a local photography shop and asked them the same question but they said they are unable to recommend anything because they are moving more towards printing?
Unfortunately I don't have time for the DIY. The only flash unit I have is the Nissin I60A
Best thing you can do is get your flash off the camera for better lighting. So, with that in mind purchase yourself the Nissin Commander Air 1 ( for Fuji - or at least I'm assuming you are using a Fuji ! ) - this will allow you to control a single, or multiple flashes from the top of your camera wirelessly. It's a small piece of kit, but robust and works superbly.
I also have a Wex £20.00 voucher I can use. I'll look at the setup for the Air commander including some of the other items already suggested. Thank you.
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