30 Apr 2007 at 01:16 #1 Dravic Dravic Associate Joined 13 Nov 2005 Posts 562 I'm bored and fancy watching a film, nothing too involved, just a switch brain off type film. Action/horror etc, fairly new if poss.
I'm bored and fancy watching a film, nothing too involved, just a switch brain off type film. Action/horror etc, fairly new if poss.
30 Apr 2007 at 01:52 #7 Dravic Dravic Associate OP Joined 13 Nov 2005 Posts 562 Ta for the suggestions but I've decided to go for 300.
30 Apr 2007 at 01:57 #9 Dravic Dravic Associate OP Joined 13 Nov 2005 Posts 562 I've been meaning to watch it for ages but never got round to it, heard good things about it though.