Recommend me a game...

18 Oct 2002
This might be a very hard one but lets give it a go.

Recommend me a game...must be multiplayer.

Previous games Ive enjoyed:

Natural Selection

I love futuristic types of games with a twist of magic as well as realistic modern day warfare and space based things. Dunno if Im after a MMORPG or FPS to be honest - Im open. Will be getting BF2142 but want something in the mean time as BF2 is starting to bore me.
wordy said:
Eve online.

You said mordern/futruristic games but I'd still recommend World of Warcraft anyway it's a fantastic game
Thanks will take a look at Eve. From what ive heard about WOW, you seem to have to be on 24/7 to get anywhere. Unforunately Im not :(
yea but it sucks lol, boom your hit and dead for the next 15mins :) only problem with that game is you get all the really keen players who play for 10hours a day pwnzerising every1
The best FFPs I've played in the last 5 years was Farcry. It does have multi-player but I've never tried that, single player however was excellent.
Hostile17 said:
The best FFPs I've played in the last 5 years was Farcry. It does have multi-player but I've never tried that, single player however was excellent.
thanks but the only single player game ive ever completed is Fable!
There was SWG, but SoE (Sony Online who publish it) have ruined it these days.

WoW is what you make of it, if you want a decent involving experience that will hook you, play on one of the RP (role play servers) as they tend to have a more mature outlook on life and the game.

Having said that I have recently quit WoW (due to end game sucking) and move to Everquest 2 a very large and involving game, not that easy to pickup but does allow you a great deal of freedom to do what you want. There are free trials available of both I suggest you give them a go for nowt.

If you do come to EQ2, send a /tell to Uzriel on the Antonia Bayle server, I'll glady help you get oriented.
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