Recommend me a game...

23 Oct 2005
Right guys...some late nights are occuring lately, with nothing to fill them in, gone through the film im turning to games...

I need something that is going to scare the pants off me at 4am, so that I wake up the neighbours screaming haha....

The problem is, im not big on fps...Im just not a fan *hides* anything aside from that is a go-er...

What do you reckon?
Sport would be really un-entertaining for me unfortunately...

I know its tough ruling out FPS...I tried Fear, but to be honest, I was concentrating to hard on playing to be scared...

But there must be something out and about...

I mean, maybe something aimed towards the resi evil line...Heard something about a game called 'Alone in the dak'?
Will age of empires really scare the pants off me???

I loved Fahrenheit...saw the trailer for the new game from the company a week or so back, the idea for the trailer was superb...I cant remember the name of the game though...maybe something rain? youll all know im sure

But yeah, something along those lines would be cool...Shall try system shock 2
That sounds more like it...5.1 all the way :)

so is it...Theif: Deadly Suffering?, or just theif deadly suffering (so I can avoid looking the idiot in game)

Ill check out manhunt and the suffering too...I think I remembering seeing manhunt and it looking a lil cheesy however...I could be wrong
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