Recommend Me a Headset Please?

30 Mar 2007

I was wondering if you could recommend me a headset. I would prefer 5.1, but would accept stereo. I will be using these mainly for gaming (however some music too), and will be connected to an X-Fi.

I don't really have a budget, but as its a headset, I would expect it to be under £90. I would buy separate headphones and mic, but I do want the mic next to my mouth, and with a clip on mic, I wouldn't be able to do this.

I recently purchased the Sennheiser PC161, but this headset leaked way too much sound, so much that people who were sat metres away from me were compaining. So I'm not sure of the technical term, but the headset must not leak sound - a bit is OK, but not a ridiculous amount so people can hear exactly what I am listening to.

I would appreciated any suggestions. I was interested in the Medusa 5.1 set, but heard these leak sound too. I was also interested in the Razer Barracuda HP-1, but I have heard people say the mic is of poor quality, and it doesn't really look long enough to me, which is a shame.

Any help apprecaited,

You're probably looking for a closed headphone, rather than an open one, if you don't want it to leak sound. With your budget, you should probably be considering the Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro (80 ohm model) and Audio Technica A500; both of those are closed. Considering open headphones, there's the Sennheiser HD555 and HD595, as well as the Audio Technica AD500. However, the former two closed headphones would probably be better for gaming.

I have the DT 770 Pro and, although it's the only pair of headphones i've ever owned, i think it's pretty darn good for both gaming and music. It is known to be the headphones for bassheads; in fact, very few headphones can compete with it, in terms of bass quantity, in this price range and a good bit above it. This is why a lot of people chose it for gaming, since the amount of bass it offers is amazing for explosions, for example, in FPS games.

Audio Technicas Art range of headphones are closed, too, and are often chosen by gamers due to their wide sound stage. Although i have no experience with these headphones, people say that they're good for positional audio, allowing the user to pinpoint where sounds are coming from easier; this is obviously good with FPS games. Although they don't have as much bass as the DT 770 Pros, it's slightly tigher and more punchy.

If you want to spend more, you might want to consider the A700 and A900, too. Neither of the headphones i mentioned will require amplification when using your sound card, however the Beyers might if you're ever using a portable source for listening to music. Also, considering you want headphones for music, as well as gaming, i would rule out a 5.1 headset altogether. The tiny drivers in 5.1 headsets generally aren't very good when it comes to listening to music. The Razer headset is even worse, because it has something like 6 drivers in each cup.

Although you may be leaning towards a 5.1 headset since it may allow you to position sounds more easily, this doesn't come without its hindrances (when listening to music, for example). Before i got my Beyers, i went through 2 pairs of Medusa Speedlink 5.1 headsets (one with an amplifier, one without). Both were absolutely terrible for gaming and music. Although i could hear sound was coming from behind me, the audio quality was so poor i couldn't actually tell where abouts behind me it was coming from. In fact, using CMSS-3D, i find my Beyers are better at allowing me to position sounds better than my 5.1 headsets were. Furthermore, when sounds came from behind me with the Medusas, there was absolutely no bass since the subwoofer speakers only worked when the front speakers produced audio.

Basically, what i'm saying is, for the same price as 5.1 headsets, you can get some descent stereo cans which are just as good when gaming with the use of CMSS-3D and outclass most 5.1 headsets on the music front since 2 large drivers are used as opposed to 8 small ones.

Anyway, i hope this was of some help.

Many thanks for your post, that was very helpful! I like the look of the DT 770 Pro, they look like what I would require - I'll have a shop around and see what price I could get them at.

I do have another question - What do you do regarding a mic? I'm assuming the mic has to be over the mouth, so how would you do that - clip one onto the headphone wire?

Thanks again,

A clip on microphone would be appropriate. Many people suggest the Zalman clip on mic, but i've yet to find it in the UK. At the moment i have a £3 desktop microphone i got from Tesco. :p

I haven't actually had a chance to use it properly yet. Although, if i find a clip on mic, i think i'll get it to replace my desktop one; it seems to get in the way a bit, for the few times i've had it out. Most clip on microphones should be able to attach to your headphone wire; i mean, i don't see why not.
There are lots of people's opinions on here and other forums strongly advising not to get 5.1 headsets. X-fi with CMSS-3D on a stereo headset really works well.

I have Audio Technica A900, ordered from Japan via a US site (worked out half the price compared to buying in the UK) and these do a wonderful job in games. And music too. Very detailed
i have some sennheiser hd485's which are great for around £40. but you want closed and spend more, so the above mentioned headphones appear to be the way to go, as far as a mic goes, i game a lot and i use a desktop mic, which easily picks up my voice so no need to have it right next to my mouth.

or you can get one of those logitec desktop mic's which are like on a stick, they are probly your best bet :p

deffinatly don't go for 'gaming' headphones.
My HD555's have much better sound positioning than any other 5.1's I have used previously. Not to mention the sound quality is twice as good and its extremely comfortable! They do leak a lot of sound though so sorry I couldn't help all that much.
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