Recommend me a new guitar...

9 Jul 2004
At the moment i have two guitars: One electric and one acoustic. The electric is a fender strat (not the real good one) and the acoustic is some relatively cheap ibanez with some elexir's which doesnt sound too great but at the same time isnt awful. :)

I have about £300 to spend really, maybe £350 at a push.

However, i dont know what type of guitar to buy as the electric-acoustic is also an option and would be great to own one just because its another type of guitar to play and they come in a nice variety of shapes and colours like standard acoustics. I'm straying towards a different colored body too as im sick of the standard light brown colours. I love colours like green or blue on the body.

I still love playing my electric, but i want something a little more deep in sound as my fender sounds awful on distortion and the sounds never ring long enough and im constantly having to strum. They also look horrible in red and white. If i go for an electric, black, white or orange etc are colours i like. (similar for all guitars actually)

Basically, what should i go for? Electric, Electro-acoustic or acoustic? (bear in mind i'd probibly need another amp to get decent sound as i doubt my fender one is up to much)

What offers the most models for £300 or thereabouts?

I'm clueless at the moment. I dont know of any decent sites to start looking at models or reviews so i've left it up to you guys to recommend me something. (even if its just a couple of review sites or something!)

Pictures would also be good if anyone wants to post them of their guitars so i can see what the colours look like etc.

Many thanks :)
Might look at a new decent amp then :)

My current one is a Squire SP.10. No idea of it's quality, but i can imagine that it is pretty shocking by most standards!

I've also looked at replacing the pickups as for one: They buzz when on a certain setting (3 out of the 5) so i am forced to use the other two if i want no buzzing when i'm playing loud, and two: They can provide me with much better sounds when replaced with some decent ones.
Sorry to keep asking, but say if i were to go down the acoustic route, what would you recommend for the same money. I'm guessing £300 should get you a pretty decent one as long as i get some nice strings to go with it? :)
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