Recommend me a signle player FPS plz

Man of Honour
28 Nov 2007
I don't play games as often as I would like and spread myself thin on VR, Switch, PC and Xbox so miss loads of titles. I'm after a single player FPS game for PC.

I finished Far Cry 5 recently. I don't particularly fancy Far Cry New Dawn as it just looks a bit gash.

I haven't played any other releases from the past couple of years.

What should I go for? I'm not fussed about multi player for this and would like something absording. I like a bit of story. I'm not particularly into horror.

Any suggestions?
Have you ever played the Halo series?
If not, it's finally been released on PC and is available from Steam.

I have the masterchief collection on Xbox. Haven't played it on PC. Will probably wait for the new installment on xbox once they've got it ready.

Will have a look at those other 2
Horizon zero dawn if u got a decent GPU and CPU
I recently got a 3070 and game is beautiful in ultra wide and max graphics.. decent story too
The original Titanfall is now available on Steam (

I did play that, it was good fun :)

Then Doom Eternal.

If you can find it, Project IGI

Good lord. Paging @Chris1712 who introduced me to it. I remember distinctly using binoculars to centre the camera on the guards' heads and then one shotting them all with the silent pistol. It sort of broke the game but it was still fun, I remember shooting through certain material but not others, as well as the procedurally generated terrain being particularly fascinating.
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