Recommend me a sound card!

5 May 2008
On board sound has started to stutter and clearly is not complimenting my Z5500s.
Can someone recommend me the best card on a budget of about £40?
The Z5500 are 5.1 speakers and the m-audio 2496 only outputs stereo so perhaps not the best choice. Google it ;)
Iv heard only good things about the x-fis but there are so many...any suggestions?
Are the more expensive ones really worth it?
I paid just under £200 for an elite pro to go with my Z5500s and was VERY underwhelmed.

Sold after less than a month for a loss.

Now looking at the ASUS Xonar HDAV1.3.

Personally, I would say up your budget and go for one of the Xonars.

The X-Fi chip really isnt all that, sure it is better than onboard audio but your Z5500s deserve something better.

Why pay £200 for a pair of speakers then run them off a £40 soundcard? Madness.
You don't say what you want to use the soundcard for. The Xonar D1 and DX are excellent all-rounders and only slightly over-budget.

If you're not a gamer I'd happily recommend something cheaper.
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