Recommend me a tripod

12 Jun 2004
I haven't been on these forums for a while; I sure did miss the photography section.
I need a tripod for under £100, needs to be solid but not too big. I would like to be able to take it on quite long walks in the future, so needs to be quite light.
It will be used with my Canon 350D.

Any recommendations would be great.
Manfrotto 190 Pro?
A touch over budget (can be had for about £90, but that's just the legs, no head).
But is pretty darn stable, pretty darn versatile & a good weight - it's not exactly mega light, but it's not so heavy that you're gonna avoid taking it with you!

Failing that, I think Velbon make some pretty good tripod // head combos, check out their sherpa (IIRC that's the name) range.
I have a Manfrotto Digi 725B, which is the 724B with quick release :) It's cheaper, smaller and lighter than a 190+head. But it's not as versatile or stable. You're best of looking in a real shop really.
I have one I found for £10 in Makro once. Its not the smoothest thing in the world but its light and locks off well to give a good stable shot. Also tilts to the side to give portrait orientation (not sure if all photography tripods do).

Will look for a model and make in the morning.
Jimmy_Lemon said:
I have one I found for £10 in Makro once. Its not the smoothest thing in the world but its light and locks off well to give a good stable shot. Also tilts to the side to give portrait orientation (not sure if all photography tripods do).

Will look for a model and make in the morning.

All decent ones will

don't skimp on it as you don't want this to happen

After all your camera costs a small fortune why skimp on the support for it
Ever so slightly over budget but the Giotos MT9170 is fantastic. Its quite heavy but it is great for indoor and outdoor work, I've had mine for about 6 months and love it.

Thanks for all the replies. The Manfrotto Digi 728B looks like the one I would want. I will go to a shop first and view them, but wanted to see what you guys recommended.

Thanks again.
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