Recommend me a UPS

17 Oct 2002
I'm looking for a fairly small UPS to backup my Synology diskstation and Intel NUC in my data cabinet.

I don't need it to be smart enough to power down any of the devices. Just stay on long enough for me to power down the devices if/when there's a loss of power.
I don't need it to be smart enough to power down any of the devices. Just stay on long enough for me to power down the devices if/when there's a loss of power.

What if theres a powercut and your not at home? Or your asleep and dont here the alarm?

This one has USB connection (so does the smart bit), and depedning on the model and load of you synology/NUC might give you 20mins+

APC Back-UPS BX 700

Was about £65 and can supply upto 390w, if you do use it for graceful shutdown - do it via the NUC, and have a script that powers down your synology as part of the process
APC are considered the best, we also use them at work and they’re solid but expensive.

I have two at home, a 750 watt cyber power one which is about 8 years and only starting to give up (hope to just get a replacement battery)

The star really is my 1000 watt Eaton. It’s simple (but smart) and the software is shockingly bad but for the price, you can’t complain. The Eaton is completely silent too.
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