Recommend me some indie games?

19 Aug 2005
Beds, UK
Hi All

I now have my PC back at a desk for the first time in nearly 2 years, and a new 1440p monitor that I got for Christmas :)

But I have an old PC now, and no money to upgrade at the moment.

I have RAGE that I never got around to playing, hopefully I can get into that (although the new monitor may pose a problem, I had 1280x1024 when I bought that).

Please could you advise some bargain indie games I should play? I have Trine that I want to play at some point, but what else should I add to my list?

I don't get a lot of time to play, so I like games I can just pop in and out of. I played world of goo for far longer than I stuck with Bioshock 2, and Crysis 2 for that matter. I like games that are a bit different.

Specs are as follows:

Core 2 quad Q6600
6GB Ram (I think)
Windows 7
Nvidia 8800GT - I have HD6850 to replace this with.

What can you recommend?

Thanks guys
just been googling and seen the following that looked interesting... anyone played any of these?

Lumino City
Never alone
Thanks everyone... I have plenty to be getting on with. Ive watched a few videos online, and some of these indies look so interesting compared to the more obvious commercial titles, and considering they are usually a fraction of the cost, I'm much more likely to try them.

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