Recommend me some modern horror/gore

Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Ottakring, Vienna.
Been watching a lot of horror/zombie/vampire type films lately and I'm thirsty for more. Any suggestions?

Here is some of the stuff I've seen recently and enjoyed:

Wolf Creek
The Cave
The Amityville Horror 2005
House Of Wax
The Descent
The Hills Have Eyes

I want your suggestions, with reasons as to why they are good/worth watching. :)
Deathwatch - interesting setting (WW1), interesting idea. I thought it was pretty good and worth a watch if you haven't seen it.
The Hills Have Eyes is quite disturbing I found. Great film but some very dodgy scenes in it. The Descent is another top film, british made iirc and gory! :)

Edit: doh!
Audition - Takashi Miike

if you like japanese horror, then you'll have seen this already.

I like it because it is so slow.
The ending is just beyond gore
Another Jap one is Guinea Pig 2:Flower of the flesh.

Gore fest all the way through, no real story line to it, guy in samurai suit kidnaps young woman, drugs her then proceeds to go to work with his hacksaw, the sound effects, eurgh.
Ichi The Killer
Sympathy For Mr Vengeance
Lady Vengeance
Dead Or Alive

Edit: Just seen you wanted reasons, so:

Ichi The Killer - Gore! Loads of it!

Oldboy - less gore, less violence, but very realistic gritty violence, cuts right to the quick as it were. Claw hammer tooth removal? Wahey!

Sympathy... - similar to oldboy, in fact part of the same trilogy, as is...

Lady Vengeance - my least favourite of the three but still very, very good.

Dead Or Alive - I've not actually seen this all the way through yet, about 3/4 I think. I haven't a clue what goes on really, it's hard to follow, but plenty of nasty, nasty violence.
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Mentioned already but I really enjoyed The Decent :)

Also one that I never saw when it first came out but caught it on Sky recently was Hide and Seek with De Niro in it, found it quite disturbing in places - but that could be a children in general creep me out something rotten! :p (Very true by the way, think I have problems...)
the hostel is somewhat gory i.e- bloke blowtorching a young girls eye, and then someone having to cut the rest of it out with scissors :|

that film has some really nasty bits in + russian ladies half naked, what more do you want :p
Chopper Chicks in Zombie Town

Some of the funniest zombies you'll ever see in a B-movie that tries too hard to be gory. Complete with bad acting for that beer-filled movie treat.
Do you want gore with a story or gore just for the sake of it???

Anyway gore for the sake of it (These have very little to no redeeming features (well apart from Cradle of Fear which contains a semi naked Emily booth ;)) other than buckets of blood guts & generally VERY nasty violence, watch at your own discretion)..

Cradle of Fear
August Undergrounds: Mordum
Murder Set Pieces
Cutting Moments
Aftermath: Genesis
Shatter Dead
Canibbal Ferox
Zombie Dead
Stink of Flesh
1000 Maniacs
Gore Gore Girls
Wizard of Gore
Suicide Vomit Dolls

As for Gore with a story then try the following...

Night of the Living Dead
Switchblade Romance
Driller Killer
Toolbox Murders
Dawn of the Dead
Day of the Dead
Land of the Dead
Zombie Flesh Eaters
Ichi the Killer
I Zombie: Chronicle of Pain
Blind Dead
Bride of Re-animator
Beyond Re-animator

Think that should do for now :D

as for giving you reasons there arent really any reason other than the fact that they are all pretty much gory as hell, other than Romero's "Dead" saga & Brian Yakuza's Re-animator trilogy I cant say any where worth watching again other than to show your mates exactly how depraved cinema can get (Especially in the case of Suicide Vomit Dolls)

Anyway I'll make the same dare to you my mate made to you cant watch them all ;)

I now owe my mate £100 because I couldnt & actually had to give most of them back to him :(:(

Nochnoy Dozor (Nightwatch)...... well acted with an interesting story - quite unusual for some. Highest grossing Russian film of all time. Beautifully shot, excellent soundtrack. Can't wait until the trilogy is complete

$loth said:
Driller Killer has a story :confused: :p

That film has a quite disapointing plot for me :( (ah well, it cost 99p!)
It also doesn't really have any gore!

Psycho: The Snuff Reels
AU's Mordum
Murder Set Pieces

to name but a few. :) Who needs a story anyway? :p
Yea, I was quite dissapointed with it really, it has some gore, but not huge amounts, and there's a very very basic plot about his girlfriend being a lez, and him not getting his (truely awful) painting sold.
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