Recommend some good 2.1/2.0 speakers

18 Oct 2007
Budget of around £100, can go higher but would prefer not to, either 2.1 with sub or 2.0 with those mini sub things on ths side, as long as the sound quality is good I don't mind.

Currently using some old z680's, ok speakers but the rear ones are unused and generally just get in the way, also a pain to wire them all up..
I have the Aego-M for my alarm clock in the bedroom, via a Squeezebox3. They're nice speakers if you don't play them too loud, then I find them very boxy and the bass booms a lot. At lower volumes they're very good though.

I may just be spoilt by my large B&W speakers on the main Hi-Fi though.
I think spending £120 on pc speakers is a waste really you can get good enough adequate sound for £50 ish. T20 2.0 Speaker System (51MF1545AA002) Z-4e 2.1 Speaker System (970175-0120)
Just be aware they lack in the midrange so aren't gonna be that great for loud rock/indie etc.

"Good enough adequate" is subjective. Same can be said for anything else.

The audioengine A2's will blow all of the above out of the water. They are £120 though.
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