Recommend some tiny powerful spkrs + amp

18 Oct 2002
Barwell - Land of the Boar
Hello guys, all i need are some smallish speakers kind of like psilonaught had on his desktop - preferably beech/pine type colour whatever it is to match my room.

Also need an amp, nothing fancy at all. Cheap as chips, but up to the job.
Cambridge audio amps seem pretty good. my mate has one which i think is the a1, and kind of what im after. anywhere in particular to look for these speakers buddy?

edit - re read it... your MUM has seperates in the KITCHEN?!

Cool, i had RS in mind, so looks like ill have to trek into leicester and pay the shop a visit rather than order online for this kinda thing.

Cheers buddy!

Your help is much appreciated :)

theyre precisely what i am after, good choice!
Haha, nah, im not really that much of a D&B person myself, much more of an indie fan, but dont mind the odd bit of bass in my songs so long as it can handle a clear bassline im fine. I dont need nothing powerful, just something to handle audio from my comp and possibly other sources which i know the amp is upto ther job...
How much do those speakers come in at mate? I still havent made up my mind yet. I havent got a set budget, but kind of wanted budget speakers as its mainly just gonna be an amp + speakers for the comp you see and then possibly upgraded further down the line ...
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