Recommendation for TV under 40"

10 Mar 2008
Hi guys, I'm looking to get a new TV in the next month or so, the place that it is going to go is 890mm wide so I've worked out the largest TV that will go in the space is a 39" TV (depending on the bezel).

I'm not really restricted by a budget, I'm not bothered about Smart features, and don't need 3D. Although I'm away that some of the better TV come with these which is a shame you don't get the option not to have them.

I will use it to watch SD Sky, HD movies and to play PS4 games. I want a TV that is going to give the best picture quality.

I've been looking at the Panasonic's, the TX-39a400b TX-39as500b and the TX-39as600b models. Not sure is these are any different other than having Smart features in the higher models.

There's also a 39" Samsung however due to the bezel size means it's to big for the space.

So can anyone recommend a TV no more that 39" that will give the best picture quality or is one of the Panasonic's the best I will get?

TBH for the space you have, you are going to be stuck with the choice of those three sets unless you are willing to go for a smaller screen (32")

The A400 set (If I'm right) along with Panasonics other low end tellies are made in Turkey. If they are (it should say where they are made on the box), they are made by Vestel, which I wouldn't touch with a barge pole. The rest of the sets are made in the Ceczh Republic (mine was anyway) these should be OK.
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Yea, that's what I thought Grimley, I just thought there might be some alternatives that I'm not aware of. I would consider dropping to a 32" if the actual picture quality was better on it.

Thanks for the info on it being made in Turkey however this is not something I have been able to find out for myself and confirm if it indeed is. I have found a manual online for them and although they don't say where they are manufactured, the manual seems to be printed in Czech Republic though.

I have found an LG, the 39LB580Vbut haven't seen any reviews for this, and to be honest the TV I have at the moment is an LG so I'm thinking of moving away from this make.

At the moment, I think the AS500 is leading the pack but I'm not in a rush to get one just yet.

Thanks chaparral but as you've stated, that's too big. I have seen a couple of 39" 4k TVs but they generally get bad reviews and simply no worth getting a 4k TV at this size.
TBH for the space you have, you are going to be stuck with the choice of those three sets unless you are willing to go for a smaller screen (32")

The A400 set (If I'm right) along with Panasonics other low end tellies are made in Turkey. If they are (it should say where they are made on the box), they are made by Vestel, which I wouldn't touch with a barge pole. The rest of the sets are made in the Ceczh Republic (mine was anyway) these should be OK.

I forgot to ask, which model do you have?
TX-L32E5. Had it a couple of years now. Its a good set considering the price I paid at the time. I think Panasonic have gone downhill in quality recently (especially getting the likes of Vestel to make their low end models for them) but I don't think that's their fault, the market is forcing prices so low that almost no-one makes any money on tellies any more. IMO, In a few years all that will be left is Samsung, LG & Vestel, the latter who will continue to make tellies for all the other familiar makes that we know, I wont be happy about that. :mad:
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