So, had a bit of a result with amazon the other day, gave me a full refund on my 5 year old Lumix TZ30 (£300 - as good as) so now I'm looking for something to replace it with.
I've seen a lot on here and independently that the RX100 (Mk1 is the only one close to my budget) is the go to for compacts, but I've considered the Lumix TZ70 or 80.
I wondered what peoples thoughts were either on any of the above or any alternatives.
I'm very much an amateur but like to get good shots and take the time to get the right one, landscapes mainly but I like to take macro shots as well.
I'm going to lapland in a couple of weeks so would like to get something before then if I can.
I've seen a lot on here and independently that the RX100 (Mk1 is the only one close to my budget) is the go to for compacts, but I've considered the Lumix TZ70 or 80.
I wondered what peoples thoughts were either on any of the above or any alternatives.
I'm very much an amateur but like to get good shots and take the time to get the right one, landscapes mainly but I like to take macro shots as well.
I'm going to lapland in a couple of weeks so would like to get something before then if I can.