Recommendations for Monitor (Work and Gaming) on a budget

1 Oct 2004
Hi all,
I'm at a bit of a quandry, I'm currently looking at monitors but I'm running into issues deciding and was hoping more qualified opinions than a couple of YouTube videos and site reviews could help.

Firstly, my budget is £300, would prefer to spend less.
I spend a lot of time working, it would be my second screen. I picked up a Samsung UR55 in 2020 which has been a great 4K screen which I've used for both work and gaming, but am now looking at getting another screen. I wouldn't be against picking up another Samsung UR55, it's 4K, 4-5ms, IPS and 60Hz, and has served me well, my one big bugbear against it is that the OSD menu and input swapping is nothing short of abysmal! The 4K screen space however has been a godsend for workspace for my job and also, games look beautiful running at 4K.

If gaming, the new screen would be primarily be used for gaming on Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5.

Obviously a 4K, 120/144Hz screen is WAY out of budget right now.

What are the recommendations that work. I have been looking at BenQ EL2870U as one option, but then I'm getting lost in the mess of all the other monitors out there, which is why I'm looking for expert opinions. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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