Recommended alloy cleaners?

19 Sep 2003
Adelaide, Australia
Given my previous thread on this seems to have been swallowed by the forum, I'll start it again so I can get a list of your recommended alloy wheel cleaners.

Cleaning the 172 the other day I've noticed that there are a few black marks on the front alloys, especially between the spokes, where it seems to have been welded on. I can't seem to get them clean using the standard car wash shampoo, no matter how much elbow grease I put into it.

Therefore, could you advise me which alloy cleaning products you use/have used and which you'd recommend as a general, everytime cleaner and also what you'd recommend as an occasional one off, real dirt killing cleaner.

Cheers :)
I use wonder wheels, then Autoglym alloy wheel sealer.

The wheel sealer puts a lacquer over the wheels, dries and basically just holds the salt/brake dust/general road much away from the paint.

After that you can just wash them with soapy water or jetwash them and re-appy the wheel sealer. I dont know how it does it but the brake dust pretty much rolls off the wheels when the sealer is on.
merlin said:
I use wonder wheels, then Autoglym alloy wheel sealer.

The wheel sealer puts a lacquer over the wheels, dries and basically just holds the salt/brake dust/general road much away from the paint.

After that you can just wash them with soapy water or jetwash them and re-appy the wheel sealer. I dont know how it does it but the brake dust pretty much rolls off the wheels when the sealer is on.

Not sure about the wonder wheels as I've read a few reports on it corroding centre caps and calipers if accidently applied.

The wheel sealer sounds very good though, is that used in place of waxing the wheels after cleaning?

jpmonkey69 said:
If you're gonna repost this thread, then I'm gonna pimp Meguires Hot Wheels again. :)

Cool, I'd like as many reposts of what products people use as possible as I want to get a list of cleaners to look up / try :)
Ok folks, today I’ve been washing my car and I’ve got some Tar-ish looking marks on my alloys which will not come off. I was wondering if anyone has anymore comments on the best product to remove these marks.

I’m thinking about trying one of the following:

Meguiars - Hot Rims All Wheel Cleaner


Autoglym - Clean Wheels


Another Suggestion

Thanks in advance :)

O and are them alloy wheel brushes any good?
jpmonkey69 said:
If you're gonna repost this thread, then I'm gonna pimp Meguires Hot Wheels again. :)

Much better than Wonder Wheels, and the Autoglym stuff.

Tried all three, and Meguiars got rid of the filth of my wheels with minimal effort, whereas in the past I had really struggled to get good results with Wonder Wheels and Autoglym in the past.
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