Recommended books on economics/finance/fintech?

1 Nov 2007
I'm looking to try and teach myself something about economics and finance. I have very little experience in this area, but I'm highly interested, especially regarding things like FinTech. Does anyone have any suggestions for books to look into as a beginner?

If you need any extra information, let me know and I will try my best to supply it.
Michael Lewis is an easy step into basics of finance, well mostly what is wrong with finance. His first book Liar's Poker is his story of being on Wall Street during the crazy 80's. The Big Short gives a breakdown on what actually happened during the 08 crash. Best of all his writing is very approachable and draws you in.
Any particular area of interest?

Economics and Finance are really 2 different things if you mean Economics the subject and Finance the industry.
Michael Lewis is an easy step into basics of finance, well mostly what is wrong with finance. His first book Liar's Poker is his story of being on Wall Street during the crazy 80's. The Big Short gives a breakdown on what actually happened during the 08 crash. Best of all his writing is very approachable and draws you in.
Thank you. I'll be sure to look into those.
Any particular area of interest?

Economics and Finance are really 2 different things if you mean Economics the subject and Finance the industry.
I'm planning on starting a business soon and I'm very interested in learning about finance and fintech. Primarily because the business I want to set up is based in the payment industry. I guess this also includes things like regulation and other legal topics associated with the topic.

In terms of economics, I'm interested in just an introduction to the subject as I didn't study it much in school.
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