Recommended Courses & Qualifications

28 Apr 2011
Barnet, London
As I posted elsewhere, I'm looking to get into the tech/IT field. I have a base understanding of a few different languages (Java/Android/PHP/HTML/SQL) but would clearly need to dive deeper into one to start applying for jobs in them.

I actually quite like working with databases, so figure SQL would be a good way to go. I have some funds and (will have) some time (like a year or two) so I assume my options for retraining are quite broad.

My question is, what is an actual useful qualification I can get that will put me in good stead in interviews against those with experience or those with degrees.

Thanks :)
Thanks. I do have some apps and a website or two, but I don't know they would impress anyone! :cry:

Further discussion has pointed me more towards IT Management/Project Manager. I'm doing a Udemy course (or two) on Scrum and then will probably try and get the certificate (PSM 1).
Thanks for the post. Let me pick at it, if I may?

Employers should generally be familiar with MOOCs now, it's not necessarily given the same weight as a formal qualification but it shows you've studied an area.

New to all this, I'd never heard of these. A quick Google leads me to and then for a course I checked out. I like the look of these. Bite sized course, with a certificate if I pay, by the looks of it. As you say, in some ways it just shows I've studied, which is probably quite valuable to me if I've not got the experience in a certain area? I've always thought the Udemy courses I do have little value to a recruiter, but how different is it if I can show what Udemy courses I've completed? I guess Udemy has no set standard and the course could literally be given by some random guy/girl?

Do you have an undergrad degree?

Highest I went is A Levels (Maths & Computer Studies) and an HnD in Leisure Management.

FYI scrum doesn't technically have project managers (then again lots of places tend to bastardise these sorts of methodologies), there is a scrum master role (which overlaps with some aspects) and a product owner role

Yeah, definitely, from what I can see and what I'm told, it's the Scrum Master I would be looking at. As you say, the other roles definitely require the technical knowledge. I'm advised to do the certification for Scrum Master as that shows I understand the overall process of Scrum. Are the alternatives to Scrum I should also get a certification in?

You mention in the other thread 20 years of retail management but that is a bit vague, are we talking about managing a team within a store or managing a whole store/supermarket or even a group of stores/supermarkets etc..

I've done 11 years managing a team of staff in a section and 9 years as a Deputy Branch Manager, managing the managers and with general responsibility of the entire store.

There are specific project management related MSc degrees out there, other MSc courses that include some project management stuff etc.. or indeed perhaps you could look at an MBA with a tech focus (more expensive option but maybe worth a look if you've got significant experience).

I guess this is the bit I could really do with advice on as I just don't know how they 'work'. I could be quite interested in something 'bigger' and 'proper', something perhaps 6 months long? At the same time, if I don't need it based on my experience and the few smaller certificates I pick up, I don't want to waste my time unnecessarily?
Interesting stuff, thanks.

two girls at a previous place worked in the project management office (PMO) first - they'd just go around checking up on where people were with stuff, update dashboards etc.. but didn't manage anything in that role

Did this role have a title? I'm more than happy to pick up experience in the lower paid end of things first.
Hmm, looks interesting thanks, but it tells me it's £27 a month after the 7 days free intro. Not a huge amount, but maybe it's the kind of thing I do when I start my time off? When I can commit more time to it each day? While I'm still working Full Time, it would only be an hour here and there...
A bit of a bump with a bit of an update (although, more detail in this thread) I have been advised to learn about some of the simple stuff around AWS, so I'm watching my way through this 13hr FreeCodeCamp video and thinking of getting the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certificate. Sound like a good idea?

quite a lot of companies aren't that bothered by your list of qualifications

Yeah, I get that, but I'm hoping in some ways it shows my passion/drive to learn in lieu you mention in your next comment :)
No harm in becoming familiar with AWS! Certainly is used industry wide. I see you listed Android in your skills at the top, if you change your focus into going down the mobile path I'd be happy to have a chat about that. I was working as a Java dev before but moved across into Android after I wanted a change so have a bit of experience of trying to move into those roles.

Thanks, going an engineer route isn't off the table, but it's not the plan at the moment. Might throw you a message if I do, thanks.

Blockchain development is a skill that will be. needed more and more.

An interesting point, I hadn't really thought about. Like above I guess, it's not got any relavence to the role I'm training in at the moment, but if that doesn't work out, I might look into getting a better understanding of it, thanks.

However, when you say good idea, from what perspective do you mean?

In that, when I'm working with people that respond Y to all three, having an understanding of what they're doing, why they're doing it and what blockers they might face would be good. Even just understanding what they're talking about would be good. How do I show a company I understand what they do with AWS? I'm thinking having the most basic Cert for it goes a step that direction? I think I've been told it's not all that hard and is just covering basic principals and such. No?
It's a Delivery Lead role (essentially a Scrum Master) where the vast majority of things done by the technical team is through AWS. I know on the AWS website it says 6 months experience, I've heard that's not really the case as it is the most basic level. I've been told it's quite good for getting an understanding of what services they offer and how they work at a basic level, which sounds ideal to me.

What you're saying makes me think it's a good idea then. Delivery Lead is the role I'm 'training' in at the moment. No one has told me to do a course. I wouldn't even call it 'doing a course'. As said above, I'm watching my way through a video explaining it all. If that is enough to then get a certificate to show I know about it, it seems like a good idea is all.

I'm reasonably sure Delivery Lead/Scrum Master isn't a senior role, it's just a role in the team. Technically I just need to know how Scrum works and make sure everyone is following it well, but I also need to be able to remove blockages and communicate across teams. I should also point out, it's not expected I need to have everything from day one. As a 'Partner at risk' they just need to believe I will be capable within 3 to 6 months. Again, learning and getting certificates, to me, would help show I am keen and will be able to grow into the role.

One thing a DL advert just placed does ask for is knowledge in ITIL. Is that common? It's not something I've seen before.
So you are already at a company and are just looking for promotion? ... I can't remember what your situation was.

Yeah, no problem. I'm being made redundant from my retail management role, so taking my 3 months notice time to work with the IT teams to gain experience and hopefully land a new role. (Again, being 'at risk' means the bar is a little lower for me)

Anyway, if you're prepared to do the work (and pay for it?) then this seems like a relevant qualification and it can only help.

It's only $100 to take the test. If I get through this video, I'll try and sample test and see if I think I would pass. If I actually get made redundant, I get £3k towards 'proper' (re)training, then that's a whole different conversation!

Delivery Lead/Scrum Master sounds like you would be supervising people to me

Not really, you're facilitating, checking metrics, co-ordinating with other teams etc. The point of Scrum is it's self managing, so to speak.

"Scrum Teams are cross-functional, meaning the members have all the skills necessary to create value each Sprint. They are also self-managing, meaning they internally decide who does what, when, and how."
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