Recommended out of the box eCommerce site?

7 Mar 2005
The Voice Of Football
My parents want to put a part of their business online and have approached me to help them. I've done a bit of research in to off the shelf eCommerce sites but the choice is bewildering. In the late 90s and early 00s I did a bit of web development. Fastforward 15 years and I have well and truly abandoned it and work in Marketing but have kept my hand in reasonably straightforward IT skills so it's not outside of my abilities to set up and skin a site for them.

I've looked briefly at a Wordpress install with WooCommerce, Shopify and 1&1 hosting. I could really do with some assistance:

They want something that handles stock inventory at the back end
They want something that allows them to either set up a direct debit or schedule a series of regular payments
Are there any other of the shelf products to consider?

The other part of the brief is they don't want to pay for a bespoke build and it needs to be really easy to use at the back end to run the order reports etc.

Thanks for any advice
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