Recommended software for Overclock

26 Feb 2006
I'm currently using clockgen but it can't apply the settings each start up so its pretty limited - is there anything better?

mobo NV8, semprom 2800.
There are no good programs for overclocking your cpu... The best way is to go into your bios and overclock there... There is a thread at the top of this page that gives advice on how to overclock, is good reading for a 1st timer... :)
The bios only allows an overclock 1.6ghz to 1.64 ghz but software allows upto 2ghz on the first pass!

I've just foound nvidia ntune software (they might have told me about this in the maunal or something) this automatically clocks the PC.

So far it's found FSB 200 to about 250 so CPU is about 2ghz and 6800 graphics from 325 - 455 gpu and gpu memory 700 to 760mhz. System memory is 8-3-3 I'm not sure about this bit as i've got corsair 2.5cas but not sure what that could/should translate into. This software should apply these settings on start-up (not tried it yet) - any comments on the settings?
Do not use nVidia ntune, it will mess up your system after a while. Many a bad story to be found over the internet.
Not sure on exact reason, but I have read a lot of stories including one on here about it. Even the engineers at DFI-Street advise not to use it :)
Mekrel said:
Not sure on exact reason, but I have read a lot of stories including one on here about it. Even the engineers at DFI-Street advise not to use it :)

Tis correct :)

BIOS is the only way :( Tried updating BIOS to get more settings?

Hmmm, I can't actually find the bios revision on my Abit NV8 - it's not where Abit say is should be on the boot up screen (or as per my previous Abit board). The board was bought after the last bios revision (last Nov I think) - any ideas?
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