Reconfiguring X Server?

27 Apr 2004
I installed Debian 3.1 on VMWare server yesterday, however I seem to have got the X setup wrong (just checking, am I right in thinking that X is the window server thing?). After having finished the install I get a text based login and the warning that X failed to start, or something. It mentioned colour bit depth I think.

Basically I want to go through the display config again so I can experiment around and find settings that work. Is there a command I can run from the text mode thing that will let me rerun display setup?

Thanks, null

edit - OK, I've had a Google and it seems I need to run
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86

However this thread was not pointless as I would like to confirm this before running it; as you can tell I don't have much experience so don't want to muck it up beyond repair, so I can save bandwidth (used web install) :p
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It should be:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
(You need root priveldges for this operation, and Debian moved onto in July 05)

I would try setting it with a low resolution & screen res first- Running under VMWare means you will almost certainly be using the vesa driver, and this may well be objecting to the screen res you were attempting to run at.

Have just got it working. Would have tried earlier but I was at school so didn't have access to server.

I tried what you suggested leezer, and it gave me an error saying it couldn't find that command or something iirc, or that it wasn't installed. So I tried the one I found and it works! :confused:

Still, I have a GUI now and that's all that matters :p:D

Thanks, null :)
Odd- I thought it had been introduced over all of Debian; Must still be testing & etch at the minute :)
That's what I like about Ubuntu though- Get the newer stuff faster :D

I've given up for now. For once however, it is no fault of the Linux stuff. I was trying to run it on a virtual machine on my server which is a 2Ghz Celeron with 256mb ram. Meaning 128 for the host and 128 for the guest. So it was pretty bad due to that. Not only was performance generally low, but I've also been running the whole lot through remote desktop, because I have no monitor/keyboard/mouse for the physical server. I was literally moving the mouse and then waiting, sometimes up to 10 seconds for it to respond :(

Hope to get a genuine host soon, but I just dunno where from and I can't afford to buy anything.
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