Recording my Vinyl

30 Nov 2005
I have around 1000 12" hardcore/jungle/DnB tunes from 1991-2007 I am thinking of recording them all to my Hard disc as backup what Bit rate do you recommend for a good storage/quality compromise?

Go straight from LP to lossless *which will lose something in the digital conversion onto the pc anyway*

That way if you want to put them on a mobile device you can convert to a lower bitrate mp3 easily with no greater loss of quality.

It's quite a bit larger, but worth it.

i take it that with FLAC i need to record to wav then convert?

At momnet I am recording Directly to mp3 via my xfi card.

45mb * 1000 ish tunes = 45 gb !!! jesus
To be honest you might as well save them in WAV format and not convert at all if you want THE BEST.
A 5 minute track will be 50 meg in size.
I have no idea how big a FLAC conversion of that would be (interested to know though).
So you'll be:

- manually recording approximately one thousand tracks
- probably wanting to top-and-tail most [if not all] to remove overly long silences
- possibly normalising these tracks [depending upon how you record them in the first place]

That's a lot of time and effort to end up with a lossy format.

Go FLAC. The savings in file space you'll get over WAV will really add up over 1000 recordings, and you'll have as perfect a backup of your vinyl as you can hope to expect [depending upon your recording methods, of course].

You can always batch downcode to mp3, ogg or some other lossy format from these FLAC 'masters' at a later date.

[EDIT: Best size/quality compromise? If you're adamant about mp3s, then the best bet would be variable bit rate [VBR] files that are roughly equivalent to 256k-320k constant bit rate. Again, not something I'd do, though]
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If you're not prepared to go flac then 320mp3 at the absolute lowest. Make sure you have the latest LAME codec
what should i use to record if I do choose to swicth to flac?

can I batch convert wav to flac? Can I record directly to flac ( I hope)
dbpoweramp (google) is free to use with FLAC, i think it comes with the codec if not you can download it from their site.
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