Recruitment rules?

There are rules about advertising vacancies but I can't remember what they are.

I think, but not sure, that you have to give everyone the option to apply, but I'm not sure if that includes advertising internally.

A lot of organisations I've worked for advertise internally first, even if they want an external candidate. I'm not sure if that is just their policy or if they are compelled to do it.
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I think it depends on the organisation. Civil service for example has to submit the bid outside and employees must apply through that route and be interviewed in the same way as the external candidates. You can't just say there's a postition vacant and someone inside snaps it up because that is deemed as unfair. Stupid system if you ask me, I feel current employees should get priority.
I think you have to advertise the job externally, if you know who you want (headhunt) someone i think you still have to advertise the job externally, you dont have to advertise anything internally though.
It's not compulsory to advertise internally if you advertise externally,

But it IS compulsory to advertise externally within a certain time of the internal ad being placed if you advertise internally (anti-discrimination etc. Think the timescale is 1 week or 2 weeks, don't quite remember.)

But like happytechie said..why would you not want to recruit internally?
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