Recycling: Would a well-designed recycling bin encourage you to recycle more?

3 Jan 2004
I know i'm guilty of doing little recycling, biggest problem being organising and storing recylable packaging until theres enough to make a trip to a the recycle banks.

This thread is also a form of research for a product design project i'm working on, so any input on recycling (the part you do at home) or any suggestions on products that would encourage you to recycle would be great.
AcidHell2 said:
yes, look at germany recycling bins, can't exactly rember what they are but they where a hell of a lot better than are rubbish stuff..

I hadnt thought of looking at whats currently in place in the world's top recycling countries. good tip
Sadgeek said:
We have one of these in the kitchen, helps with the sorting:

Outside there are just the two bins (one normal, one recycling), though we also have two boxes for paper or glass that we take to the recycling centre too.

I quite like that, i think my design will be similar but with wheelie bin style wheels and a tall handle round the back so it can be pulled along (the design scenario does not involve collection, i have to work around the user having to take the materials to a recycle bank)
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