Red Bull + Gym

11 Aug 2005
Is this seriously bad?

Seen all the health warnings regarding red bull being dangerous for people with a heart condition but my gym sells it by the bucket, they have red bull, red bull diet, and these 500ml bottles of red kick or something which is the gyms own formula and has twice the caffine as a can of red bull, today I even noticed some 'hyper water' which is basically just mineral water with caffine too.

Is working out on red bull dangerous? Obviously it will be for people with heart conditions but what about athletes etc? It raises the heatrate which for Fat burning and cardio (Require high heartrates to work properly) is it ok? Or is it likely to send your heart rate way to high and give you a heart attack of some sort?

If so, should gyms be allowed to sell it? As most people I know are tired after a hard days work and go there, grab a can then do a fat workout they wasnt able to do before it kicked in
My mate has a diet red bull, so it doesnt really havnt any calorific value, and he would drink a carbonated drink anyway before a session if he didnt have a red bull, as there are free coke and lemonade machines about, hes not lazy either hes just tired as he does it before work at 6am, and occasionally after work too straight from a 9-5 job.

I know the stimulation has an effect and puts more pressure on the heart, and makes it beat faster, but for fat burn and cardio is this a bad thing? As the higher the heartrate, the stronger the workout you have as your in your 'fat burning/cardio zone' which will burn fat and calories a lot faster than normal - will it not do any damage unless you push it past a certain point and your heart goes too fast? Or is it just a general no no?
Ahh ok, he was drinking this red kick the gym sell the other day and his head was bouncing off the walls, lol, he was doing everything twice as fast, didnt know caffine dehydrated you tho :)
Yeah found lucosade was a waste, you spend most the time your at the gym burning off the calories you put on, thats why I thought of red bull, and seing as they sell loads thought it might be ok

water is the best really, nuff said, althought it does get boring :(
Would red bull followed by a pint of water do you some good if you was doing a load of cardio work then?

Or is it still bad for you, as its caffine and its bad for you, and not just a diaretic and will make you faint :p
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