Red cabbage

17 Aug 2009
Finchley, London
I tried red cabbage and it has a weird flavour. Quite liked it at first, but eating it again tonight and decided it's not very pleasant. So I've taken the remainder out of the fridge and binned it. Think I'll stick to green. What's your thoughts on red?
Absolutely love it. Don't boil cabbage though.
Thinly slice and stir fry.

Green cabbage same, but throw in an egg or two towards en and scramble with cabbage.

Very little difference between taste anyway.
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Absolutely love it. Don't boil cabbage though.
Thinly slice and stir fry.

Green cabbage same, but throw in an egg or two towards en and scramble with cabbage.

Very little difference between taste anyway.

This. Worst thing you can do to cabbage is boil is, that recipe belongs in the 1920s and should damn well stay there. If used right red cabbage is delicious.

I also don't think cabbage should be used in the quantities it actually is used in, rather, use it as a garnish instead of like peas/carrots!
If you can push the boat out and go for some pointy cabbage, sadly though it is boiled :(

Very nice but prices have gone up recently :(
You can do some great things with cabbage. Stir fry it with a bit of chilli, some chopped up bacon, some cumin seeds, and a bit of fennel. Can't beat it.
Some amazing ideas here. I'm not very adventurous tbh, so I should make more effort. Yeah, I boiled it. It was quite nice actually once I got stuck into the meal. I'd eaten some of the cabbage by itself before the rest of the food was plated, so the taste was stronger. I'll still stick with green though. I always liked the way cabbage tasted when I was at school, but they probably overboiled it, and I've no idea what cabbage they used. I don't know which green cabbage has the nicest flavour out of regular green, savoy and whatever other ones there are.

Glaucus, when you say throw in an egg or two, do you mean make scrambled eggs and then mix the cabbage in? Not sure that would work in the meal I had tonight which was grilled chicken thighs and drumsticks and jacket potato with a couple of spoonfuls of soured cream.
I did some of this day before last. Half a red cabbage, 1 white onion, 1 apple cores and thinly sliced, small bottle of sweet cider, 100ml cider vinegar, brown sugar (depending how sweet the cider is depends how much), couple of star anise.

Bring to boil and then simmer for a couple of hours. Awesome with pork!
Pickled Red Cabbage from our salad bar at work, really nice

2 parts white vinegar to 1 part caster sugar, bring to boil simmer for 2 minutes, then pour into a cool container, leave to cool.
Stir in a small quantity of dijon mustard.
Shred red cabbage thinly, coat lightly with salt, and leave to drain couple of hours.
Wash off the salt from the cabbage, add cabbage to the vinegar solution, and soak overnight.
Magic stuff.
Mother made a batch for Xmas of red cabbage, apples and something else all stewed up for about 8 hours.

Made for a delicious side on the xmas dinner table, esepcially as my sister had forgotten to provide cranberry cause for the turkey !!!!!!
Mother made a batch for Xmas of red cabbage, apples and something else all stewed up for about 8 hours.

Made for a delicious side on the xmas dinner table, esepcially as my sister had forgotten to provide cranberry cause for the turkey !!!!!!

Oh yeah, mothers xmas red cabbage + apples is delicious :D
My favourite is known by different things in different supermarkets - Sainsbury's call it "sweetheart cabbage" and Waitrose call it "pointed spring cabbage". Are they actually two different varieties? They both taste the same :p We shred it and stir fry it with some pork - tastes fantastic!
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