Some amazing ideas here. I'm not very adventurous tbh, so I should make more effort. Yeah, I boiled it. It was quite nice actually once I got stuck into the meal. I'd eaten some of the cabbage by itself before the rest of the food was plated, so the taste was stronger. I'll still stick with green though. I always liked the way cabbage tasted when I was at school, but they probably overboiled it, and I've no idea what cabbage they used. I don't know which green cabbage has the nicest flavour out of regular green, savoy and whatever other ones there are.
Glaucus, when you say throw in an egg or two, do you mean make scrambled eggs and then mix the cabbage in? Not sure that would work in the meal I had tonight which was grilled chicken thighs and drumsticks and jacket potato with a couple of spoonfuls of soured cream.