I heard that the other day (I think - the link didn't download right for me, but I got a bit of it). Was going to post it here, but did a search and found it had already been posted, so I didn't bother.
I think that clip may be misleading, much as I hate to say it. I would genuinely love to see them sued for plagir...erm...copying a song or something, since I just don't like them, but if you compare the Tom Petty song with the RHCP song in their entirity, they don't sound all that similar to me. I'm not entirely sure of this, but the RHCP song sounds faster as well, when played on its own...though of course, they match up in that clip, so what do I know.
They're *similar*, I think, but in my opinion, they're not as similar as that clip makes them sound. I may be talking rubbish, however, I do that a lot.
Actually, I played both tracks at the same time on my PC just now (using different programs) and the Tom Petty one was definitely slower, that much I can say for certain.