For those of you that like Tactical FPSs with a WW2 theme RO is having a free 5 day trial.
The gameplay is a hell of a lot slower than DOD:S which its compared to beacuse both are from Steam, but thats where the comparisons should end really. I myself compare it more to a Much more realistic version of the BF2/1942 but with more emphasis on infantry. (except tanks :O)
IT has some large maps were tank battles are the norm, smaller maps with 1 or 2 tanks a side, and some infantry only maps.
Its based on the UT2004 engine and it looks a bit old but the game play is strong.
Its about a 2gb install and im pretty sure you can pre load now
I promise you it wont be everyones cup of tea and it can take a few hours to get into. You will deffinately find yourself thinking "WTF who shot me then?" but imho its deffinately worth a free try :O
The gameplay is a hell of a lot slower than DOD:S which its compared to beacuse both are from Steam, but thats where the comparisons should end really. I myself compare it more to a Much more realistic version of the BF2/1942 but with more emphasis on infantry. (except tanks :O)
IT has some large maps were tank battles are the norm, smaller maps with 1 or 2 tanks a side, and some infantry only maps.
Its based on the UT2004 engine and it looks a bit old but the game play is strong.
Its about a 2gb install and im pretty sure you can pre load now
I promise you it wont be everyones cup of tea and it can take a few hours to get into. You will deffinately find yourself thinking "WTF who shot me then?" but imho its deffinately worth a free try :O