Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 FREE 5 DAY trial

8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
For those of you that like Tactical FPSs with a WW2 theme RO is having a free 5 day trial.

The gameplay is a hell of a lot slower than DOD:S which its compared to beacuse both are from Steam, but thats where the comparisons should end really. I myself compare it more to a Much more realistic version of the BF2/1942 but with more emphasis on infantry. (except tanks :O)

IT has some large maps were tank battles are the norm, smaller maps with 1 or 2 tanks a side, and some infantry only maps.

Its based on the UT2004 engine and it looks a bit old but the game play is strong.

Its about a 2gb install and im pretty sure you can pre load now

I promise you it wont be everyones cup of tea and it can take a few hours to get into. You will deffinately find yourself thinking "WTF who shot me then?" but imho its deffinately worth a free try :O
Lol I personally dont play this game much anymore either because of the slow pace and the frustrating artillery strikes that are the bane of games like this and BF2.

But everynow and then when im feeling mellow ill play it, have a good crawl arround and shoot a few chaps.
Spunj99 said:
Scratch that. Not going to buy it purely because the tank maps are incredibly dull yet everybody seems to vote for them everytime.

It's a shame because the infantry side of it is very good. :/

LOL this is so true.

People always vote Arad... That map bores the **** out of me.
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